Vaping has grown as a smoking alternative – especially among young people, who consider it a “healthier” way than cigarettes to get a nicotine fix. Unfortunately, vaping has many of the same effects on oral health as smoking. For example, like smoking it leads to dry mouth – which increases your risk for cavities and gum disease. If you or a family member vape, resolve to stop in 2025. It will improve dental health – and your overall health too. 

Watch this short video for some great tips to help you break this bad habit. For example, avoid activities and events where vaping happens. You can consider using nicotine replacement gums or lozenges. Nicotine replacement can help you handle the craving, so you can use the other strategies outlined in the video. 

As your dentist, we are happy to help you in any way we can! If you are experiencing dry mouth or other adverse effects of vaping, we can suggest some products to help. You may also want to consider fluoride treatment or more frequent dental cleanings until you quit, to lower your risk for disease and decay. 

To schedule an appointment for a cleaning, or any other service in Wyoming, MN, call Wyoming Dental at 651-413-3013 today.